Ah, it's that time again. The sun is out, the dirt is dirty, and the pungent odor of sunscreen reaches the high heavens. This year will be my fourth Warped Tour, and although there have been better ones, I am no less excited. Now, I have been with noobs before, and they are always insanely cautious as to what to do, what to bring, and how hot it is really going to be. Instead of repeating my weathered and tired advice over and over, I decided to take to my blog to write all my tips down so every Warped Tour noob can learn, and be a little less noob-ish when they burst through the gates.
Q: Does it really get that hot?
A: Have you ever walked into an oven? That's what it feels like. There are no trees, therefore no shade. Often times there are no clouds, and people don't like when you hide under their shirt for shade.
Q: I don't really need sunscreen, do I?
A: If you like looking like a lobster and skin cancer, no! Go party without sunscreen. But like I said. No clouds, no trees, so you better lather that stuff on like liquid gold if you want to avoid getting cooked. Last year I couldn't raise my hands above my head for a week and a half because I was so sunburned. I blistered. Woa yeah dude.
Q: What do I do for nourishment?
A: Firstly, contrary to popular belief, fourteen Monsters are not going to do anything for you. Monsters give you a jolt of energy, then you are dead and have no actual energy afterward. To avoid dehydration, drink plenty of water. If you aren't going to take any in, (keep in mind, they don't let you take open containers into the venue) bring some money to buy some. It gets pretty steep. It's as simple as this; if you don't hydrate, you collapse of dehydration. And child, I am not carrying you around if you are dead. I'll leave you at the Attack Attack merch tent where all the other lame-o's belong.
Q: What is there to do?
A: UH, HELLO? There are bands, merch, tons of free stuff, tons of not free stuff, lots of cool people, lots of losers, the bands walk around, the bands sign your stuff, it's like a one day free for all to be a stalker to your favorite bands.
Q: What if I lose my friends?!!
A: For me, the day isn't about my friends. I can't stress this enough. I don't worry about where my friends are, I worry about where my next band is. It's a little stressful to track where the stages are, when the bands are playing, how much longer you can go on without a drink, and where your money is, to track where your friends are at. Your band plays once. All day. And then it's over and you have to wait until they come on tour again. I wouldn't worry about where Sally McSallypants is, I'd worry more about what time Alkaline Trio is signing at their tent. If you need to, take your phone in. Keep in mind people lose their phones all the time at these things, and if you are trying to search through 150 people AND dirt for your iPhone, it's pretty safe to call yourself screwed. My best advice is to set up a meeting place with your friends, and keep your eyes peeled as you are trekking the field.
Q: How much money should I bring?
A: A piece of advice I got as a noob was "If you brought enough money, you could buy your entire wardrobe here." And it's true. Warped Tour merch tents have whatever you need; sweatshirts, t-shirts, pants, sweatpants, short shorts, shorts, knickers, heck, I wouldn't be surprised if this year they had a Mayday Parade kitchen sink. Shirts cost about $20 regularly, water ranges from $2-$5, and all other fancy beverages are an upwards of $3. If you want any of that random crap I just mentioned, all the other random clothes range from $10 to $50. One thing that is really awesome about merch tents is that they often offer a good deal on the bands albums, where you can buy 2 for $20, or 3 for $35. It's a wonderful deal if you are looking to add to your collection.
Q: I'm an idiot. I like to do bad things. Is that fly?
A: For me, the day isn't about my friends. I can't stress this enough. I don't worry about where my friends are, I worry about where my next band is. It's a little stressful to track where the stages are, when the bands are playing, how much longer you can go on without a drink, and where your money is, to track where your friends are at. Your band plays once. All day. And then it's over and you have to wait until they come on tour again. I wouldn't worry about where Sally McSallypants is, I'd worry more about what time Alkaline Trio is signing at their tent. If you need to, take your phone in. Keep in mind people lose their phones all the time at these things, and if you are trying to search through 150 people AND dirt for your iPhone, it's pretty safe to call yourself screwed. My best advice is to set up a meeting place with your friends, and keep your eyes peeled as you are trekking the field.
Q: How much money should I bring?
A: A piece of advice I got as a noob was "If you brought enough money, you could buy your entire wardrobe here." And it's true. Warped Tour merch tents have whatever you need; sweatshirts, t-shirts, pants, sweatpants, short shorts, shorts, knickers, heck, I wouldn't be surprised if this year they had a Mayday Parade kitchen sink. Shirts cost about $20 regularly, water ranges from $2-$5, and all other fancy beverages are an upwards of $3. If you want any of that random crap I just mentioned, all the other random clothes range from $10 to $50. One thing that is really awesome about merch tents is that they often offer a good deal on the bands albums, where you can buy 2 for $20, or 3 for $35. It's a wonderful deal if you are looking to add to your collection.
Q: I'm an idiot. I like to do bad things. Is that fly?
A: No. Obviously the people there are not idiots. They have proper bulky bodyguards willing to throw you as far as I can see if you pull any crap. Yeah, the dudes organizing this thing are awesome, but that doesn't mean they will think twice before pulling that joint out of your mouth and kicking you out. As for sneaking in, nice try. It's near impossible. Don't bring smoke bombs, small babies, or think it's funny to try and crowd surf without your pants on. Don't be an idiot and wreck it for the rest of us. If you wanna run around high as a kite with no pants on, do it at your mom's house. Not at Warped Tour.
Q: Anything else?
A: Just come prepared. Water, Money, Sunscreen, and your phone. (optional)
Digital cameras are a good option if you are looking for high quality pictures. But again you can lose em really easy and then they are gone. Disposable cameras are popular, they are relatively cheap, and take alright photos. My option this year is a cheap digital camera I found at Walgreens. Decent pictures, small size, and I won't cry if I lose it in the port o potty's.
That's about it for now, so good luck everyone.
Q: Anything else?
A: Just come prepared. Water, Money, Sunscreen, and your phone. (optional)
Digital cameras are a good option if you are looking for high quality pictures. But again you can lose em really easy and then they are gone. Disposable cameras are popular, they are relatively cheap, and take alright photos. My option this year is a cheap digital camera I found at Walgreens. Decent pictures, small size, and I won't cry if I lose it in the port o potty's.
That's about it for now, so good luck everyone.
If I've left anything out, feel free to comment and add to what I wrote. :)
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