Sup world! Welcome to my fancy web log. I know there are a lot of words, but some of them are funny ones. So read up, pad'nah.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Saison Chaude!

Bienvenidos Compadres! It is the season of summertime and summertime is the season. So far it has been fantastique! I have been on 2 road trips, and hung out with my family and lovely boyfriend Wyatt immensely! This friday is the Vans Warped Tour, and saturday is my first biannual anniversary with said main squeeze, Wyatt! A.k.a I will be treated to a lovely dinner this saturday because Wyatt and I have been together for six months! Fiesta! Now, I know you faithful blog readers of mine don't want me to go on about how fabulous my summer time is going, so I will move on to something I think is funny that I would enjoy to discuss with you people out there.
Apparently some fart decided to make a movie that was all "aaah, end of the world in 2012!!"....
I didn't see it. But them people told me it was a stupid movie. So if my people (and by people I mean one person) thought the movie was stupid, why is everyone freaking out that the end of the world is going to be in two years? If I followed everything movies told me, there would be woodland creature cleaning services, and houses could fly thousands of miles on just a couple hundred balloons. But apparently this movie had honesty dust or something, and now the world is going to end.

I guess I better get on all the stuff I wanted to do before the world ends.. Like confess my sins to god and begin my eternal worship.. (HAA.) No. But seriously. I'm bidding for a shark tank on eBay right now so that I can swim with sharks, while also buying a plane ticket to New Zealand and getting married and somehow speeding up the ageing process so I can grow old with Wyatt. I'm going to have to pop out a few kids and make a couple thousand memories before the world ends.

Also, I guess the world is going to end in a massive flood or whatever the movie said, so I better throw out all the weapons that I stored in preparation for the massive zombie apocalypse I thought was going to end the world. My AK-47's and AR-15's, shotguns, axes, ancient maces and vintage armor that I secretly re-financed my parents house to buy are all going into this dumpster by the local daycare.. since I can't find anywhere else to dump them.

I guess what is left to do but pack up all my belongings, say goodbye, and wait under my covers with my pooh bear blankie and corn nuts, and wait for 2012 to arrive, shining and bright. Holluhh.

apparently the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, it wasn't just some crazy that decided to make a movie off of an acid-induced hallucination. The maker was just making serious bank off of thousands of peoples fears. Oops. Thanks Emily for bringing this to my attention. Thanks me, for being a lame-o.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Toy Story 3; in retrospect.

Spoiler-alert; I'm going to completely ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it already.
saw it last night at midnight with Kaila and Wyatt.
Basically the plotline went like this:
Andy is heading off to college, and of course, he can't have his old toys hanging around his dorm room. So in the first few minutes of the movie, we watch him reflect on the past when he played with his toys everyday, to now, where he is more concerned with his computer and cell phone and his toys lie in the toybox all day. He struggles with the decision of whether to donate them to the local daycare: "Sunnyside", or send all but Woody to the attic. He chooses to bag them up and put them in the attic. Of course, something goes wrong and his idiot mother mistakes the bag for trash, and discards it on the curb while the garbage truck is just a few feet away. Woody notices this, and tries to rescue them. He fails, but just when you think they are heading for the incinerator, Woody notices them crawling toward the van. He races toward them, and finds all the toys climbing into the Sunnyside donation box. The toys proclaim that Andy threw them away, and doesn't love them anymore. Much to Woody's argument, the toys don't back down, and get donated to the daycare, along with Woody.

When they arrive at the daycare, they are escorted by the lead pack of toys at the daycare. Lotso Huggin' Bear, Ken, a baby, and a few other toys. They are carted around the daycare, and treated like royalty. Woody still believes that Andy wants him, so he escapes the daycare. Almost. He gets picked up by a little girl named Bonnie, where he finds that Bonnie is just like a little Andy, in that she plays with her toys often. While Andy spends the night at Bonnie's, the rest of the toys spend their first night at the daycare.

Now lets skip past a lot, and just say that the daycare sucks, and the lead pack of toys are evil. Lotso Huggin' Bear is the meanest, and we find this out due to the fact that he and the baby were lost, and Lotso was replaced by his owner, Daisy. Woody finds this out, and makes it his mission to bust the toys out of the daycare. Needless to say, he achieves this. He busts the toys out, but they get stuck in a dumpster with Lotso on the way out, (as was their original destiny).
Woody takes it upon himself to try and then escape the landfill, and they seem to be making it out alive, even with Lotso, when he backstabs them, and leaves the toys to die in the trash incinerator. So get this! The toys are like.. "oh well!" so they grab each others hands and get ready to just be melted down to putz! I was sitting in that expensive movie chair going "WHAT?!" But then they miraculously get saved by the claw, (reference to the first movie) and find their way back to Andy, while Lotso gets tacked to the grill of a garbage truck.

In the end, the toys get in a box to get shoved up to the attic, when Woody makes a split-second decision to make Andy donate the box of toys to Bonnie.
The movie closes on Bonnie and Andy playing with the whole gang, Jessie (:P), the aliens, Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head, Rex, Hamm, Bullseye, Woody, and Buzz. It was so beautiful! Then Andy goes to college and the movie ends.

Note that I left out A TON from the movie, so you should still go see it, even though I just wrecked it for you.

Firstly, (and the part that nobody really cares about), the animation was incredible. Compared to the first and second movies, this was such a different change in quality. Of course, that comes with age and the revolution of technology, but oh my goodness. The movement from the characters was so fluid, and the details of the items just laying around were unbelieveable! For example, there were some photos tacked to Andy's wall, and I couldn't help but notice the incredible detail on not just the picture, but the photograph paper itself. The look of the fur on the Lotso Huggin' bear was fantastic. The immense amount of detail put into just the supporting details of each scene were phenomenal.There were tons of connections and references to the first and second movies, and to Pixar as a whole.

Nevertheless, the movie was horrifying. There are certainly some parts that even I screamed at. Well just one part. With the stupid monkey. He was in charge of making sure that no toys escaped the daycare, and when they went to go tie him up, he jolted around and Wyatt, Kaila and I all jumped in shock. Also, I couldn't believe they tricked me into believing that they were going to die by jumping into that trash inferno thing. After everything, they were going to just give up and melt. But they didn't. And my diaper was safe.

BUT; there were parts that were absolutely hilarious. Wyatt, Kaila and I were laughing so hard, we were almost rolling around on the nasty theatre floor. Three words. "Get the tortilla". HILARIOUS. There was definitely a new take on the humor, venturing far out from the first two movies. Oh man, you should definitely see it if you are looking for a great laugh.

Other than that. I was ready to freakin bawl, man. Andy is going off to college. Sad. He had aged so much.. he was so tall! Fachrissake, the ending actually did bring a tear to my eye. But I had to hide it from my buddies. You know. To look tough. I never would have predicted that the toys just go to a new home, but I was happy with it. That girl better play nice with those damn toys.

In the end; definitely worth my money, and I'm getting the trilogy box set on DVD when they come out with it. Christmas? :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Reasons for Excitement! (a.k.a R.F.E.)

Can you spell pulchritudinous?!
If you can, that's great. But this post is not about that. It is about reasons to be excited! And I have a few.

1) Toy Story 3 is tonight!

2) Road trip to Wyoming next week!

Let's begin with Toy Story! After 11 years, the fabulous brains at Pixar have finally finished crafting the third installment in the Toy Story trilogy. All I gotta say is that if it took ELEVEN YEARS to come up with, I am expecting greatness. It may sound stupid for me to be SO STOKED for a children's movie, but SHUT UP. BECAUSE I AM STOKED.

I am nervous for all the stupid new characters they are introducing, but I am fascinated at the angle they took on this new movie. The creators took into account that it has been eleven years, and aged the characters as such. I thought that was a great way to approach making the third movie. As far as I know, they have aged all the characters appropriately, which means I can't wait to see what Andy's little sister looks like, as she was a baby in the first/second movie. I'm also waiting to discover if Andy has a Dad. Does he? Did he die in a car accident? Does he secretly work at Pizza Planet and is too ashamed of his job to come home and be with his wife and children and all of his children's mystical toys? MY QUESTIONS NEED TO BE ANSWERED!

We shall see when Wyatt and I see it, tonight! At midnight! Muhah!

Now for something less stupid;


Next week, my Mom, my two little sisters, myself, and my poor boyfriend are packing up our crazy and heading out on the road! (Note that I only say poor boyfriend because he will have to be surrounded by 4 girls for 7 days straight) You may ask, where are we going? But I'm going to make a game out of it, and make you guess.
What begins with Wy, and ends with Oming?
You guessed it! Canada!
Yes, in fact, secretly we are escaping to Canada to get married and live in a trailer.
No but seriously, we are leaving for the beautiful and majestic state I have ever been in. Wyoming! We are expecting to go to Yellowstone National Park, Cody, Jackson Hole, and make a few stops along the way and visit Cadillac Ranch, the four corners, and Salt Lake City, Utah. I am unsure of the exact plan right now, but I am definitely planning on posting as much as I can on the way. So check back, and you'll be just as up to date on the trip as I am.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Beginning;

And so begins the dawning of a new blogger; and it's me.
Don't make fun of my hairy flower background. Thank you.

And so begins the first of many blogs written by yours truly, so you better get used to it.
I bet you, my beautiful reader, are wondering:
"hey, Laura. Why did you start a blog?"
and hey, because I am nice, I will answer your question.

I started a blog because it is summertime, and I really have nothing else to do. There. But really, I wrote this blog because I decided I should document my life while it is awesome. So I can look back when I am old and say "Woa, I was a pretty sweish gal back in the day!" And laugh until my dentures fall out.

Isn't that why everyone writes a blog?

So as a disclaimer, if you don't like me, or don't like to read, or simply can't read, you can feel free to back out now. If you are still here, great! I'll be writing about random crap, so get ready. But it'll be great. Better than Farmtown or whatever you people normally do on the internet.
Check back soon!